Security Statement

AgentWare Technologies, Inc. utilizes the most advanced security available today. We understand that the security of your personal and account information is important to you and is equally important to us! All sensitive information is encrypted and online access requires a personal ID and password known only to you. These measures allow us to properly authenticate your identity and prevent anyone other than yourself from accessing your information.

SSL and Firewalls
Your AWT system is accessed through a Secure Socket Layer (“SSL”). This means all data transmitted to or from AWT’s computer system is encrypted using the most sophisticated security available to protect your data and privacy. Additionally, several firewalls prevent unauthorized access to the system and ensure your information is accessible only by using your correct user ID and password. A series of firewalls and intrusion systems verify the source and destination of all traffic to the servers and limit the access that “outside” computers has to AWT’s servers.

Email Solicitation
AWT will never solicit information (account numbers, credit card numbers, passwords, etc.) by means of email. If you receive an email requesting confidential information from someone claiming to represent Agent Ware Technologies, Inc. (despite the use of an official looking email including our logo) DO NOT respond to the email. Please call 800-846-7745 ext. 104 to report any solicitation of this kind.

Protecting Online Information
It is very important that only you know your online User ID and password. This is the only way your account may be accessed online. Three (3) unsuccessful attempts to login will lock the user out from accessing the account. If you accidentally activate this security feature by unintentionally mis-keying a password, you will need to contact AWT to reset the password for the account.